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Australia urgently needs 2 million immigrants, and the immigration policy may be very different

As Australia's vaccine penetration rate has increased significantly, state governments are preparing for economic recovery after the unblocking. Recently, the Australian media "Australian Financial Times" Financial Review released a heavy report, according to the top-secret document of the NSW government, suggesting that Australia needs an "explosive" 2 million immigrants! !

Australia needs 2 million immigrants in next 5 years

New NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet has suggested Australia needs a post-World War II-style explosive immigration growth to ensure 2 million migrants come to Australia over the next five years to rebuild the economy and address a worsening labour shortage.

"If we lose this opportunity, those skilled immigrants will go to other countries. If we can't attract those engineers, those accountants, they will work on other projects," he said.

Senior public servants last week urged Pelot to pursue "a national dialogue on aggressively restoring immigration levels as a key step in economic recovery and post-pandemic growth."

Australia's population growth rate has collapsed after the federal and state governments shut down immigration - one of the main drivers of jobs and economic activity in Australia for decades. Similar to Australia's post-World War II approach, to rebuild the Australian economy, which was severely hit by the epidemic, especially focusing on the introduction of skilled immigrants needed by key industries, allowing Australia to benefit from population growth, skills introduction and investment.

Pelot said borders need to be opened amid a "general labor" shortage to ensure a healthy economic recovery.

Australia's population growth hits a record low, and "employment shortages" appear in many fields

According to Australia's latest 2021 Intergenerational Report, Australia's population has grown at an average annual rate of 1.4% over the past 40 years. Due to the impact of the new crown epidemic, the population growth rate has dropped to a low of 0.1% in 2020-21 - this is in the past. Slowest growth in over a century. The new crown epidemic has exacerbated Australia's aging population and labor force reduction problems. At the same time, the growth rate of new immigrants has also dropped to the bottom. However, immigration has been the main driving force for Australia's employment and economic development in recent decades.

Between June 2019 and June 2020, Australia's net overseas migration increased by just 194,400 people, down sharply from 241,000 in the same period in 2018-2019.

Deloitte Institute economist Chris Richardson predicts Australia's population will be 900,000 fewer in 2025 than it was before the pandemic.

Australia's immigration policy may be very different next year, and it is necessary to fully restore a higher immigration level

"I think by next year we're going to see a very different immigration policy and we're going to have more skilled people coming in to fill the jobs that are currently vacant," NSW Premier Dominic Perrot said.

Peter Shergold, honorary vice-chancellor of Western Sydney University and a former senior federal public servant, believes there needs to be a full reinstatement of higher levels of immigration, including skilled migrants and a more generous intake of people on special humanitarian visas, as well as returning on temporary visas. Australian students.

He also reiterated the Productivity Commission and other independent economic experts' view that immigration to Australia creates demand, stimulates economic growth and "will not hinder wage growth".

Australian Chinese immigration conclusion

Throughout the world, all countries are focusing on restoring their own economies that have been hit hard by the epidemic, and professional talents and labor are one of the key factors to promote economic development and market vitality. Countries such as New Zealand have successively relaxed their immigration policies. , the Australian government will inevitably adjust the current immigration policy to avoid the loss of immigration resources. We believe that there will be more good news about immigration in the future.




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