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TST Ozway Migration & Education Group

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Get PR in one step! Australia GTI Global Talent Visa, Elite Talent Immigration Fast Track!

The Global Talent Independent Program in Australia is a fast-track category of permanent visas for outstanding talents in Australia. It aims to attract outstanding high-skilled talents from all over the world, and can quickly process applicants who meet the requirements, and can quickly obtain Australia in one step. Permanent residence visa.

In the post-epidemic era, in order to help the economy recover and attract high-end talents to Australia, the Australian government greatly increased the quota of GTI visas in the last fiscal year budget and guaranteed the priority to apply for such visas. The quota for the 2021-22 fiscal year is still maintained. at 15,000.

GTI visa advantages

✔ No age limit, (more than 55 years old need to explain that it will bring special contributions to Australia);

✔ No career assessment required;

✔ No asset proof required;

✔ No English test required;

✔ The whole process is given priority to the trial, and the trial speed is fast;

✔ One person applies, and the whole family can immigrate to Australia through fast-track immigration. The policy is stable and the quota is sufficient.

GTI visa is suitable for groups

Suitable for outstanding talents in the professional fields designated by the Australian government, with a master's or doctoral degree (preferably a research-based degree) or outstanding achievements in their respective industries, such as awards, publication of articles or patents, etc.; and can make full use of and play their role in Australia talent.

GTI visa application requirements

The application requirements for the Global Talent Independent Program are as follows:

1. Internationally recognized outstanding achievements in sports, arts, academia or research;

2. It still has a prominent influence in this field;

3. Provide evidence that achievements in their field of expertise would be an asset to Australia;

4. Be able to obtain employment opportunities in Australia, or establish institutions in the corresponding field;

5. Nominated by an eligible person or organization;

6. Meet health and character requirements;

7. If you are under 18 years old or over 55 years old, when you apply, you must demonstrate an additional outstanding contribution to Australian society

8. Be able to earn a high income and meet the salary threshold (currently $158,500).

When assessing whether an applicant meets wage requirements, the Department of Immigration will primarily consider:

Pay slip or proof of contract, or

salary for future offers, or

The offer salary that can be obtained by a graduating doctor or master in the target industry.

If you have any related questions, you are welcome to ask a small assistant for help. Scan the code to add~

Top 10 target areas for GTI applicants

Recently, the Australian Immigration Service updated the GTI policy, adjusted and increased the target areas of applicants, from the original 7 target areas to 10, subdivided the professional areas, and gave more information to the ten relatively vague areas before. Clear definition:

RESOURCES (resources)

Agri-food and AdTech

Energy (energy industry)

Health Industries

Defence, Advanced Manufacturing and Space

Circular Economy

DigiTech (Digital Technology)

Infrastructure and Tourism

Financial Services and FinTech

Education (education industry)

*The three new target areas are: Circular Economy, Infrastructure and tourism, Education.

*Expansion areas include: adding Agri-food to the original AgTech category, expanding from the original MedTech to the entire health-related field, adding Defense defense in the Advanced manufacturing and space field, and Digitech replacing the current Advanced Digital, Date Science and ICT, expanding from financial technology to Financial services to the entire financial services field.

GTI visa application process

1. Free evaluation and consultation by the Australian-Chinese immigration expert team;

2. Sign a service agreement;

3. Prepare the required application materials;

4. Submit an EOI intent application;

5. Obtain an invitation to submit a visa application;

6. Supplementary materials and physical examination;

7. Obtain a GTI visa;

8. Officially landed in Australia!


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Level 11,333 Collins Street,Melbourne,VIC 3000

+61 (3) 8080 1525


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